Subtitles Viewer LIVE!

Subtitles Viewer LIVE displays subtitles for what you just said Optionally you can translate what you are saying to another language So useful in many ways - communicate with loved ones with hearing difficulties make new friends who speak different languages, who you couldnt have communicated with otherwise find your way around on your own in a foreign country use as a learning tool to learn languages Dont forget Subtitles Viewer LIVE on your next overseas trip Many languages are available: English, Arabic(), Cantonese(), Czech(etina), Danish(Dansk), Dutch(Nederlands), Finnish(Suomi), French(Franaise), German(Deutsch), Greek(), Hungarian(magyar), Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia), Italian(Italiano),Japanese(), Korean(), Mandarin(), Norwegian(norsk), Polish(Polskie), Portuguese(portugus), Romanian(Romn), Russian( ), Slovak(slovensk), Spanish(Espaol), Swedish(svenska), Thai() and Turkish(Trk).