Speedtest by Ookla!

Use Speedtest for a quick, easy, one-tap connection speed testaccurate anywhere thanks to our global network. Millions of users have made Speedtest the #1 app for testing Internet speeds, and its trusted daily by professionals throughout the industry - Discover your Download, Upload and Ping- Real-time graphs show connection consistency- Troubleshoot or verify the speed you were promised- Track past tests with detailed reporting- Easily share your resultsGo ad free If youd like to enjoy Speedtest without ads, we provide the option of removing ads from Speedtest for $0.99.You should only have to purchase ad free once If youre seeing ads and you have purchased to remove ads in the past, you can Restore Purchases from the Settings screen. All purchases are tied to your iTunes account.

**Mobile Apps** Download our mobile apps for iOS, Android or Windows Phone and easily measure your device's cellular and Wi-Fi data connections. http://speedtest.net/mobile
**Host a Speedtest Server** Join the thousands of others helping us to provide the world's most accurate Speedtest platform. http://www.ookla.com/host