SANE Show with Jonathan Bailor!

Stop counting and start living Your SANE Show App gives you exclusive access to all of New York Times bestselling author Jonthan Bailors wellness radio shows and bonus episodes in one convenient spot - including premium bonus content you wont get anywhere else except inside this app Syndicated internationally, listened to over 4.5 million times in its first 18 months, and supported by HarperCollins, Rodale, and RadioIO, you will be joining millions in taking your SANEity back About The SANE Show with Jonathan BailorWhen it comes to most things in life, we welcome the latest advances in science. Could you imagine using the same phones we used in the 50 years ago? Broad Pulitzer Prize, Emmy, and DuPont award winning author and senior writer at New York Times- T. Colin Campbell Bestselling author of The China Study, and co-star: Forks Over Knives- Gary Taubes Award winning New York Times and Science writer and bestselling author- AJ Jacobs Editor at large at Esquire magazine, bestselling author, contributor: NY Times - Tony Horton Creator of P90X and international media personality - David L. Katz Founding director of Yale Universitys Prevention Research Center - Daphne Oz Author and The Chew co-host - Guy Kawasaki Internationally renowned author, speaker, and business advisor - Joel Fuhrman Author of #1 bestselling Eat to Live, and myriad bestsellers - Mark Hyman 7x bestselling author and leading nutrition expert- Rolf Dobelli CEO, bestselling author, co-founder of getAbstract - Rory Freedman Bestselling author of the Skinny Bitch series and activist- Robert Greene Author of four bestsellers including The 48 Laws of Power- And hundreds more