Run Predict - Smarter Running - Better Performance!

Run Predict - The Performance Calculator For RunnersUsed by Runners around the WorldRun Smarter - Perform Better: Age Graded Percentage - how your run compares against the world best time for your age & gender Age Graded Time - your running time adjusted to what it would have been or will be during your prime running years Age Graded Class - Personal Class, Local Class, Regional Class, National Class or World Class, see how well you have performed for your age & gender Pace & Speed - in both miles and kilometres VO2 Max - your maximum rate of oxygen consumption, a good indication of your aerobic fitness and your endurance levels Calories - how many calories you burned during your run Predicted Running Times - based on your performance, what your running time would be for 32 different distances from 100m right up to 200km Age Graded Equivalent Times - the time someone else of a different age and/or gender, but with an equal performance, would run the same distance as you Age Graded Class Target Times - the minimum running times required for you to achieve each of the different Age Graded Classes for your chosen distanceRun Predict will evaluate your running performance, allow you to compare yourself with any other runner regardless of their age and gender, predict your running times, give you target times to aim for and so much more - Perfect for motivation, training and improving your runningUse for any type of run: Outdoor running Treadmill running Any distance from 100m right up to 200kmFor all ages and abilities: From beginners to the elite From walking pace to world record pace For all ages, from 5 years old up to 100 years oldEasy to use: Just enter your age, gender and weight Then enter the distance and running time of any run Both Metric and Imperial units No need to carry it with you whilst you are runningShare your results: You can share any of your results to a number of different mediaSave your results: You can save all your best performances to the App to view them at any timeSo many uses, here are just a few: A great source of motivation for you to improve your running performance An invaluable training aid for your running Calculate your pace and speed for any distance See your predicted running times for 32 different distances Compare your own performances with those of any other runner regardless of their age and gender Compare your current running performances with those from when you were younger See how well you are likely to perform as you get older Find out what level you are performing at for your age and gender: Personal Class, Local Class, Regional Class, National Class or World Class Set yourself realistic target times for new distances Help prepare yourself for races Predict your race results Identify the distances where you need more training Find out if your natural running bias is towards speed or endurance See whether you have actually outperformed someone of a different age and/or gender even if your time was slower Work out fairer results for mixed age and/or mixed gender races by using Age Grading See just how good the worlds best runners really are