
Welcome to the NetHelpDesk smartphone App for iPhone Users, free to download and use with your main version of NetHelpDesk, and compliment all the great functionality you get in the main program. Features of the app include:- Access tickets assigned to you- Access tickets unassigned- Access Customer, Site and User details- Add Expenses incurred in tickets, or ad hoc, Amount, Date Incurred- Record Journeys travel in tickets, or ad hoc, Odometer, Vehicle registration- Account for time spent in days not incurred against ticket actions- View Timesheet by Today, Week, specific day or All- Check data sent to main database, and times- Capture Customer and Technician signature against tickets and/or individual action notes- E-mail or Call your end user straight from the app- Take photographs at 60% of original size, and upload to server- View Assets assigned to ticket- View Asset details, including all customised fields captured in main database- View and Issue Items to customers- Provide satisfaction surveys to End-Users- Sync appointments and reminders to the iOS Calendar and Reminders applicationsand much moreNetHelpDesk is one of the worlds leading Help Desk Software solutions, for MSPs, Education and Internal Departments.