Color Picker - Play!

Color Picker Play is an app for you to work and play with Color. It provide tools for: - Choosing a color in 5 color modes - Choosing a color from predefined color set - Create color palettes to organize your colors - Create color palettes with Color Scheme - Create and customize your own Color Scheme Color Picker/Chooser Tools: - Slide - Square - Color Wheel - Color Swatch - Color from Photo - Extract color from live camera Predefined color set - iOS Standard Color - OSX Crayon - Websafe - CSS Basic - CSS Extended Supporting following Color Mode - RGB - CMYK - HSB (HSL) - HSV - Gray There are 4 types of Color palette 1. In the Scheme palette, once you unlink any specific color from the others, a new Color Scheme is automatically created Other features including - Mail a color or a palette - View color in full screen or view palette in full screen with adjustable brightness - Export palette as an image to photo library - Export/Copy palette to custom palette - View color shade of a specific color Shading provide in 6 modes - Black&White - create a shading of specific color to white and black - HSB-S - create a shading of specific color only on Saturation channel on HSB color mode - HSB-B - create a shading of specific color only on Brightness channel on HSB color mode - HSV-S - create a shading of specific color only on Saturation channel on HSV color mode - HSV-V - create a shading of specific color only on Value channel on HSV color mode