ButeykoClinic Self Help Program!

Physician developed program from Buteyko Clinic International to significantly relieve symptoms of asthma, hay fever, snoring, insomnia and anxiety. Includes detailed video and voice over self help instructions by bestselling author and Internationally renowned Buteyko practitioner Patrick McKeown. Other books by Patrick McKeown include:Buteyko DVD set: Complete instruction of the Buteyko Method for all adultsButeyko Kids DVD set: Complete instruction of the Buteyko Method for Children and TeenagersThe Oxygen Advantage: Improve sports performance Buteyko Meets Dr Mew: Buteyko Method for children and teenagersSleep with Buteyko: Stop Snoring and Sleep ApneaClose Your Mouth: Selfhelp Buteyko Manual for asthma and hayfeverAsthma Free naturallyAnxiety Free: stop worrying and quieten your mind