- Supports 3G, 4S, LTE, EDGE and WiFi- Share with your friends on Twitter or Facebook- Show current song title (if available)- Show current cover image (if available)- and much more Keep up with Shelby County Schools radio and tv stations, 88.5FM and C19TV 24hrs a day. The education Station and the station that you and your family can agree on.

Voice of SCS alternatives

Simple Radio - Live FM & AM

The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favorite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch. Join millions using our radio tuner today Listen to Simple Radio for free: Play 40,000+ worldwide radio stations on your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch Enjoy our extremely reliable radio tuner. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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Bandsintown Concerts

Never miss another live show. Welcome to Bandsintown, the place where the concert-obsessed and the worlds must-see artists connect: Get Tickets to the hottest shows in your area (we know whats going on 24/7) Find more concerts based on the music youre already obsessed with (thanks to Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and more) Discover new music (see out whos similar to your favorite artists, and see whos featured) Receive cant-miss alerts from artists you Track (about tour announcements, interviews, news, and more) Invite people to the next gig (sharing is caring) Post a photo of your epic stage dive (we cant promise your mom wont see it, though)because friends never let friends miss a concert, or a message from their favorite artist. Email: [email protected] use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Ringtone Designer 2.0

Never pay for another ringtone Ringtone Designer allows you to create unlimited custom ringtones, text tones, and alerts using songs in your iPhones music library. Use the beautiful interface to adjust your ringtone length. Its quick, easy, and we even have a video to show you how.)

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  • size 1.1 MB

myTuner Radio - Live FM Player

LIVE RADIO BROADCAST More than 50,000 radios stations of 200 countries and territories available in our application, from sports, news and music or other kinds of radios to choose from. RADIO STATIONS THAT YOU CAN LISTEN TO: CAPITAL FM; CHOICE FM; PLANET ROCK; LBC; GOLD; HEART WEST MIDLANDS; ABSOLUTE RADIO; HEART LONDON; XFM LONDON; JAZZ FM; AND MANY OTHERS.myTuner Radio is the best way to listen radio on your iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. More informations at https://mytuner-radio.com

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  • size 109 MB

SoundCloud - Music & Audio

SoundCloud is the worlds largest music and audio streaming platform 150 million tracks and growing. With a buzzing community of artists and musicians constantly uploading new music, SoundCloud is where you can find the next big artists alongside chart-topping albums, live sets, and mixes for every occasion. Privacy Policy: https://soundcloud.com/pages/privacy Terms of Use: https://soundcloud.com/terms-of-use

  • rating 4.57143
  • size 121 MB