Per inviare SMS Multipli a tutta la tua rubrica sufficiente :1) creare un nuovo account gratuito sul sito www.skebby.it2) installare lapp sul tuo cellulare/tablet3) premere IMPORTA sullappA questo punto troverai tutti i tuoi contatti allinterno del web messenger di Skebby, col quale potrai facilmente:- creare gruppi di invio- creare campagne pubblicitarie via SMS a tutta la tua rubrica- configurare in automatico SMS di auguri di compleannoChe aspetti? Registrati su, installa lapp e siamo pronti per inviare

Skebby Sync alternatives

AdBlock for Mobile

Stop seeing ads on the web. AdBlock is the completely free, #1 most popular content blocker for Safari, with over 50 million users across all browsers. * Does AdBlock block iAds?AdBlock will only block ads you see on websites, including video ads, Facebook, and everywhere else.

  • size 21.5 MB

Scanner Veicoli

Vuoi controllare se un veicolo in regola con lassicurazione, sapere con quale compagnia assicurato e controllarne la scadenza? Vuoi controllare se stato pagato il bollo e quando scade? Le notizie relative ad auto, motoveicoli e targhe rubate, hanno valore puramente informativo e di nessun valore legale.

  • rating 4.59999
  • size 43.0 MB

IPTV + Sky remote codes

YOUR TV ALWAYS WITH YOU.Follow your favorite team, never miss again a F1 or MotoGP race or your favorite tv show. With IPTV you can watch your Video-playlists on your iPhone/iPadFeatures:Pre-configured playlist;CustomURL (replace http:// with iptv:// to automatically add your playlist to the app)Copy and paste your playlist;Add you playlist as a link;No hidden cost;No ads when on fullscreen;High stability thanks to MobileVLC framework upon which the video player is based;Password on app startup (optional)Auto turn-offVideo Play-Pausa;All this features are available free thanks to advertising (you can remove it via in-app purchase).TV Guide (coming soon);And then:We are always at your disposal to enrich and improve the app also shaping it to your needs And more:Problems to program the decoder remote?For you the list of codes to program your remote. Features:Quick Search;Ability to store the code found to be able to recover at any time;Simply select the brand to display all the relevant codes;Programming instructions are included.

  • rating 4.8
  • size 69.5 MB

Network Utility

App and Widget were updated for iOS 10 Add to your notification center every available Network Info and Data Usage*. With Network Utility you can quickly find all informations about your network. You can use the Dig tool for querying Domain Name System (DNS) servers.DATA USAGE PLANSDailyWeeklyMonthly30 days28 days (NEW)AVAILABLE NETWORK INFOInternet- ISP- IP- IPv6- REACHABILITY STATUS- DNS- TOTAL SENT DATA- TOTAL RECEIVED DATAWi-Fi- SSID- BSSID- IP- GATEWAY- MASK- MAC ADDRESS- SENT DATA- RECEIVED DATACellular- CARRIER- RADIO ACCESS TECHNOLOGY- VoIP SUPPORT- SENT DATA- RECEIVED DATAPING OPTIONS- IPv4/IPv6- COUNT- WAIT- TIMEOUT- PACKET SIZE

  • rating 5.0
  • size 27.6 MB