Love word games? Mini Crossword Genius is a brand new kind of word puzzle Unscramble letters to solve the mini crosswords. These are our favorite reasons:Always free to play Quick and easy: Pick up and play anytime for a fun break Multiplayer Mode: Compete with your friends for fastest time Rank up: Solve puzzles to get titles like Word Ninja that your friends can see Facebook enhanced: See your friends ranks and play against them in the new multiplayer mode Play Mini Crossword Genius for free today and prove youre the top genius

Mini Crossword Genius alternatives

Words and Riddles: Crossword Puzzle Classic

Light Puzzle +

[Game introduction]Make the path by moving blocks. If path connected, then cube will roll and click the switch of light. Do you think you could make all of light turned on?Star Mode that collects stars above blocks and Move Mode that turns on the light in attempts are ready for you.

  • size 105 MB

Little Crossword Puzzles

Mini crossword puzzles that can be solved in less than 5 minutes each This crossword puzzle game contains a large set of bite-size puzzles that can be solved in less than 5 minutes each The puzzles of various difficulty are available in three languages. No need to buy a newspaper Can you find them all?Features: no need to scroll to see the entire puzzle no need to zoom in to read it no need to spend too much time on each puzzle you can skip crosswords you cannot solve words are checked as you type available in English, French and RussianComing from the developers of popular word game 5 Little Clues 1 Word, 5-Minute Crosswords are created for players who like classic word games, but dont have much time to play. Start playing

  • rating 4.33448
  • size 5.2 MB

Wordimals - Fun animal themed word search!

Are you ready for a different kind of word game? Tired of words that dont fit together? Chat with our Wordimals team [email protected]

  • rating 4.9
  • size 30.3 MB