Fundacin Televisa presenta Mi Libro Verde, una aplicacin para tabletas que aborda diferentes temas relacionados con la ecologa como: cambio climtico, cuidado del agua, energa, residuos, contaminacin y biodiversidad, brindando alternativas para que el usuario pueda realizar acciones de manera personal, familiar y/ o escolar que promuevan el cuidado del medio ambiente. Estos temas se fomentan a travs de actividades interactivas, experimentos, datos duros y lecturas didcticas pero divertidas. Fundacin Televisa est convencida de la importancia que tiene fomentar los valores ambientales ya que estos trazan el camino hacia el cual los seres humanos debemos orientarnos con el fin de buscar un desarrollo sustentable y asimismo fomentar una relacin armnica del Ser Humano con la Naturaleza.

Mi Libro Verde alternatives

Green Riding Hood

2017 . IPad App (2015 , )Rating of Runet 2016 , , 2015 . , ,

PlayKids Stories - Books for Kids

Children's Bible Games for Kids, Family and School

Children's Bible Books & Movies | Family & School

Childrens Bible is an app which contains comics and movies with Bible stories for children. More than 1.000.000 parents and teachers trust in us A good tool to start reading the Bible and an easy way to talk about Jesus & God with your kids. If you want to know their experiences using Childrens Bible app dont miss out their reviews 11 KIDS FUN & FAITHFUL BIBLE APPS FOR CHRISTIAN FAMILIES & SCHOOLS 365 Bible Stories 0-6yo 365 Prayers for Kids 0-6yo My First Bible Books 06yo My First Daily Prayer 0-6yo My First Bible Games & Activities 06yo The Activity Bible for Kids 0-6yo Childrens Bible Books & Movies +7yo Childrens Bible Daily Prayer +7yo Childrens Bible Games & Activities +7yo The Activity Bible for Kids +7yo Teens Bible +13yoCONTACT CHILDRENS BIBLE TEAM For technical problems, please contact our team via email at: [email protected] If you leave comments in the App Store we can not answer you and it regrets us very much.

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