The bundle includes 3 apps: C. M. de Guiller (mental calculation), Fracciones de Guiller (operations with fractions) and Aritmetica de Guiller (arithmetic operations). The apps were designed to support children of elementary school to understand and practice basic concepts of mathematics.

Math for Elementary alternatives

C. M. de Guiller

Guillers Mental Calculation is an iPad/iPhone app to help children in the practice of mental calculation. The app includes 3 levels: Addition and subtraction, Arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and Multiplicative and fractional numbers (double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, the half, one third, one fourth, one fifth, one sixth).The app allows to set a limit time to give the solution of a problem (3 to 60 seconds), the quantity of numbers for operations (2 to 5), the quantity of digits for each number (1 to 3) and the multiplicatives and fractionals numbers selected. Each problem presented to the child is saved in a list that can be reviewed and reseted in any moment.

  • size 13.1 MB

Fracciones de Guiller

Fracciones de Guiller is an app to help children to understand fractions concepts and to practice operations on fractions. The app includes representing, comparing, simplifying, addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division. For each operation, the app allows to visualize examples and the procedure followed to solve the example.

  • size 13.1 MB

Aritmetica de Guiller

Aritmetica de Guiller is an app to help children to understand arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The app includes an option for each operation where the child can introduce the values to perform the selected operation and the app will show the result and the procedure followed step by step. Other recommended apps are C. M. de Guiller, which supports mental calculation practice and Fracciones de Guiller, which supports the understanding of fractions and their operations.

  • size 13.2 MB