Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital launches its newly designed mobile application that makes it easy to Find A Doctor, Make Appointments, keep track of your medications, get in touch with your loved ones in case of a medical emergency and much more. You can request appointments, arrange for home collection of samples, ask a doctor, view treatment options and doctor details, all at the touch of your screen. For feedback please write to us at [email protected] or visit www.kokilabenhospital.com

KDAH alternatives

CIMS India - Drug Information, Disease, News

For over 50 years, MIMS has provided trusted clinical information for over 2 million healthcare professionals in Asia. Designed for busy individuals on the go, the MIMS app is a one-stop medical resource to support clinical decisions at the point of care. If you have any feedback for MIMS mobile app, you can send them to bit.ly/mimsiosIN

  • size 40.8 MB


HELP+ App lets you search for the appropriate medical service providers (e.g. Doctors,Chemists, Laboratories, Hospitals & Ambulances) in your area. You can instantly book appointments with Doctors or Laboratories, at your convenient time and place for FREE. - Instant Book Appointment saves you a great deal of time.- Get a holistic view of Medical Profiles with Qualifications, Awards and other information.- See facility details such as Timings, Consultation Fees, Address & a lot more.- Navigate to your selected facility with integrated Google Maps.- Lets you select your preferred Doctors, Chemists, Laboratories saved under an unified view.

  • rating 4.83333
  • size 8.0 MB

Curofy - Discuss Medical Cases

Curofy is a non-intrusive medical app exclusively for doctors. It enables them to stay updated in the field with medicine with medical journals and clinical case discussions among peers helping them deliver their best in their practice. Please get in touch with us [email protected].

  • rating 4.8
  • size 70.7 MB

PharmEasy - Healthcare App

PharmEasy is Indias largest online subscription pharmacy. With PharmEasy app you can order healthcare products ,OTC products and medicines online (on valid prescriptions) and get them delivered to your doorstep. In the case of a diagnostic sample pickup, our Happy Health agent will deliver the results to youPress Coverage:1) Business World - http://businessworld.in/article/PharmEasy-Among-Most-Trusted-Brands-2016/12-07-2016-100326/2) Ehealth: http://ehealth.eletsonline.com/2016/07/pharmeasy-features-among-the-top-100-most-promising-brands-in-india-2016-for-revolutionising-pharma-space-via-connecting-consumers-local-pharmacies/Permissions Needed:1) Camera - To allow you to take a photo of your prescription2) Contacts - To enable you to share referral code3) SMS/Telephone - To auto confirm OTP while verifying your number4) Storage - To upload prescription from your gallery

  • rating 3.84091
  • size 54.5 MB

PlexusMD for Doctors

PlexusMD is an exclusive professional network for doctors and healthcare organizations. PlexusMD helps you stay updated on the latest news, share and read interesting cases, apply to jobs, courses and fellowships across Indias leading hospitals and connect with your alumni and colleagues. Need a daily dose of updates and important news in your field?To do all of this and much more, just download the PlexusMD app and sign up today

  • size 20.4 MB