This is the Official Governors Ball Music Festival App for 2017 A few of the apps top features include:Push Notifications - Schedule changes, emergency information, weather updates and special offers will come direct from festival staff. Opt-in to stay on top of everything happening on Randalls Island. Please note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.



Are you dissatisfied with your current music streaming provider? Do you want to move to another streaming service and keep your already meticulously created playlists? Ill be happy to assist in every way I can.

  • rating 4.2
  • size 23.3 MB

Hype Machine

Discover the most talked-about music in the world. This is Hype Machine in your pocket. Get in touch with us at [email protected]

  • size 39.5 MB

Bandsintown Concerts

Never miss another live show. Welcome to Bandsintown, the place where the concert-obsessed and the worlds must-see artists connect: Get Tickets to the hottest shows in your area (we know whats going on 24/7) Find more concerts based on the music youre already obsessed with (thanks to Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and more) Discover new music (see out whos similar to your favorite artists, and see whos featured) Receive cant-miss alerts from artists you Track (about tour announcements, interviews, news, and more) Invite people to the next gig (sharing is caring) Post a photo of your epic stage dive (we cant promise your mom wont see it, though)because friends never let friends miss a concert, or a message from their favorite artist. Email: [email protected] use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Rapchat: Rap Maker & Studio

Rapchat is the #1 rap app in the GAME Create, share and discover freestyle raps all from your phone. Rapchat connects you with hundreds of beats from upcoming producers to provide the best sound to your fire raps You can drop a freestyle or use the notepad tool to write a couple rhymes. You could be the next Kendrick Lamar or DrakeFeatures- mobile recording studio- 250+ beats- automatically upload to Soundcloud - share raps on Twitter, Facebook, IG, and more - profiles to showcase raps, links to your social accounts, and more- leaderboards for top raps and top artists- notepad to write your bars down- direct message raps

  • size 58.0 MB

Songkick Concerts

Be the first to know about concerts. Never miss your favorite artists live. Over 15 million music fans use Songkick across the globe to discover concerts and buy tickets Well see you down the front.

  • rating 4.80952
  • size 33.0 MB