English Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of English words, the program will read the English words you enter. Features include:Speech- Read the English words you enteredBookmarks- Record English wordsSettings- Interface language settings, support Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean- Voice settings, adjust the voice speed and toneLearning to be happy ~ Happy Speech ~

English Speech - Pronouncing English Words For You alternatives

Magoosh English Grammar Lessons for TOEFL & IELTS

Weve revamped our English Grammar Lesson app Learn English grammar with video lessons while preparing for the TOEFL, IELTS, and other popular English tests. Magoosh will take you through basic grammar, verbs and nouns, and different clauses with short and engaging videos. Dont wait until the last minute to start studying et us be your study guide and download Magooshs English Video Lessons today

  • size 9.6 MB

English Pronunciation Tutor

The (American) English Pronunciation Tutor features clear, engaging instruction and four types of interactive exercises to help you learn key aspects of English pronunciation: Pronunciation of vowel and consonant sounds Accuracy and awareness of grammatical endings Word-level stress Sentence-level stress and rhythmIt is a fun, easy-to-use mobile app for developing clear, confident speech. Try out the free version now Level: High beginner - AdvancedDetailed Description:We are committed to creating the most enjoyable, interactive and effective pronunciation app on the market. Try the app (for free ) and see for yourself Unit List:Unit 1: The Front VowelsUnit 2: The Central VowelsUnit 3: The Back VowelsUnit 4: Combination VowelsUnit 5: The SchwaUnit 6: Consonants: StopsUnit 7: Consonants: ContinuantsUnit 8: Grammatical EndingsUnit 9: Word StressUnit 10: Sentence Stress

  • size 111 MB

AccentClear: English Pronunciation Tutor

Improve your English pronunciation with ClearSpeech developed and proven by renowned speech scientists in the US. We guarantee noticeable improvement in pronunciation and communication in English. Use this to check how much you have improved FREE VERSION FEATURES:- 3D Introduction to the American Vowel Sound video- 3D Introduction to the American Consonant Sound video- Complete Practice Package of the /r/ and /i/ sounds, includingTHE FULL VERSION INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL FEATURES:- 41 complete practice package of all American English sounds- Key features include 3D instruction videos showing the speech mechanisms inside of the mouth Step-by-step instructions of each sound with 3D animation 360 degree panoramic view of each phonetic sound Sound and spelling pattern practice (phonics) Self Tester to help evaluate the accuracy of your sounds through our patent pending speech analysis engine Word Practice videos of all 41 American English sounds, including zoom-in view of the mouth Interactive Sentence Practice of all 41 American English sounds

  • size 102 MB

Learning English Pronunciation With EngVid Teacher

(How to) Pronounce PRO: pronunciation dictionary

This is a PRO version of (How to) Pronounce. No ads View definitions and record your pronunciation of the word you check to compare it with the model Currently, we support English (British, American, Australian), Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Arabic, Turkish, Korean and Hindi. The app uses a top-class text-to-speech system to generate speech which, in rare cases, may generate slightly inaccurate pronunciations.

  • size 9.8 MB