Economic news (data analysis, public finances, economic research, forecasts, etc.) can be found in EcoNews, the application of BNP Paribas Economic Research department. The app is free of charge, user-friendly, requires no password, and is available in French and English.

EcoNews iPhone version alternatives

Mortgages & Loan payment calculator with schedule

SALE NOW ON, 50% OFF Dont borrow without Loan Plan if you want to boost your negotiating leverage and save precious money. For all your loan projects and mortgages, Loan Plan is a must-have. 4 categories for your favorite projects: Housing: mortgages, land, construction and home improvement loans Vehicle: motorcycle, auto, truck, boat, aircraft & car loans Cash: line of credit, payday loans General: others e.g. small business loans, commercial real estate loans, student loans,

  • size 8.3 MB

Gluskin Sheff Research

The free Gluskin Sheff Research app allows clients and other registered users to download the firms research reports - most notably Breakfast with Dave by Chief Economist & Strategist David Rosenberg - for offline reading. The app also comes with a free 10-issue trial. For more information about Gluskin Sheff, please visit our website at

  • size 46.5 MB

Suivez la Bourse en direct depuis votre iPhone - Retrouvez toute lactualit boursire et financire sur lapplication, de 6h 23h, o que vous soyez (Marchs Franais, US, Europens et Asiatiques, Actu Economique, Actu patrimoine).- Consultez les points de marchs Franais et US (pr-ouverture, ouverture, mi-sance et clture).- Suivez en direct lvolution des valeurs (Actions, Produits de bourse comme les Warrants, Certificats, Trackers) pour prendre les bonnes dcisions au bon moment - Accdez au palmars des valeurs cotes Paris (CAC40, SBF120 et SRD) et New-York (Dow Jones, Nasdaq).- Retrouvez les cours des principaux indices (CAC40, SBF120, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Nikkei, Euronext 100, Next 150) et devises (Euro/Dollar, EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY).- Pour les membres de, accdez vos listes et portefeuilles de valeurs personnaliss, ainsi qu 1 conseil boursier gratuit par jour- Pour les abonns Privilges, consultez les portefeuilles types de la rdaction, la Short-List trimestrielle des valeurs suivre et lensemble des conseils boursiers de la rdaction

  • rating 3.625
  • size 110 MB

Central Banks

Want to keep up with the latest developments in monetary policy? Central Banks provides the latest news from the developed-worlds major central banks and presents the data chronologically. Policy makers included are: the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the Bank of Canada.

  • size 14.1 MB


The excellent economic analysis you expect, now with the advantages of a free mobile app. EconWise opens the door to the economic publications of the St. Louis Fedwherever you go. If you encounter problems or have suggestions for improving our app, please contact us at [email protected].

  • size 10.8 MB