Das tierische ABC, bietet neben lautmalerischen Reimen und wirklich liebevollen Illustrationen allerhand spielerische Zustze. [STIFTUNG LESEN]Dackel, Dingo, Dachs das ABC ist doch ein Klacks In dieser App entdecken Kinder viele witzige Tiere und lernen dabei ganz spielerisch die Welt der Buchstaben kennen. Vielen Dank

Das tierische ABC - Die Welt der Buchstaben spielerisch entdecken und lernen alternatives

Build With Grandpa

Demolish an old building with a wrecking ball, clear the lot with a bulldozer - then design, build, paint, decorate, and landscape a brand new house Along the way youll learn about safety equipment and power tools, empty your dump truck, dig and pour a foundation, mix cement, drive construction equipment, enjoy lunch with Grandpa, and measure and build a wall with wood Be creative as you design from blueprints, paint the house with rollers, and choose your own windows, doors, shutters, landscaping, and fun extras Ages 5-9.Editors Choice - Childrens Technology ReviewParents and teachers love Build With Grandpa because it teaches about renewal and re-building while taking players through the complete process of creating a new home from the ground up. Kids love Build With Grandpa because they get to do everything from *dirt* to *decorate* in this original app EDUCATIONAL GAMES:1. Links that take the user outside the app are contained behind a Parental Gate.

  • rating 4.25
  • size 92.1 MB

Brazil - Animal Adventures for Kids

Fiete Match

Can you beat a real old salt at the memo game? Why not try it out and take on sailor Fiete In what is surely the most beautiful memo game, Seemann Fiete invites you to a game of looking for pairs in his lighthouse. Please rate us with 5 stars in the App Store.

  • size 39.4 MB

Hanna & Henri - The Party

Let your kid take part in this adventure where Henri goes to a birthday party, at his best friend Hanna 4/5 Stars - bestappsforkids.comA sweet storybook app with interactive illustrations and in-story activities that children of all ages will love Top Pick - funeducationalapps.comRecommended by pappasappar.seIn this interactive childrens book app your child gets to meet best friends Henri and Hanna. It is Hannas birthday and Henri needs to go to the toy store to get her a present before it is time to go to the party. EnglishSwedishHanna & Henri is created for preschool children.

  • size 207 MB