
Download PerfectPixel for Chrome now https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/perfectpixel-by-welldonec/dkaagdgjmgdmbnecmcefdhjekcoceebi
Download PerfectPixel for Firefox now https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/perfectpixel
Download PerfectPixel for Opera now https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/perfectpixel-by-welldonecode

PixelPerfect alternatives

  • Overlay2

  • What Overlay2 does

    tags: development graphics overlay
  • Osiva

  • Osiva" is an acronym that stands for "Overly Simple Image ViewingApplication." Osiva presents images as virtual tangible objects on the desktop.There are no GUI elements except a floating toolbar and a right click menu, both of which violate the Osiva primary design criteria. Osiva is too simple to be really useful. It is a toy.

    tags: Portable floating-image image-viewer overlay transparency
  • LayerX

  • An intuitive app to display transparent images on screen.

    tags: development graphics image-viewer layer overlay
  • Image Overlay Utility

  • Image Overlay Utility is a small, easy-to-use program for graphic artists to overlay transparent, click-through images anywhere on screen!

    tags: Portable album-artwork art art-community artist-community
  • Uberlayer

  • With the Uberlayer app you can put floating images on top of your computer screen. Maybe you want to proof a design to the pixel, watermark a presentation or always have that special picture of your mother on top?

    tags: image-on-top floating-image
  • CThruView Transparent Image Viewer

  • CThruView is a free transparent image viewer that allows mouse clicks to go through the image. This makes your image see through and click through, so use it as tracing paper, splash screen or watermark. The image can be made opaque or semi-transparent, flipped, rotated, zoomed (scaled up or down), always on top, clipped, moved, hidden and centered. You can also save your session to a text file and restore your view settings later.

    tags: Discontinued Portable image-viewer java-based transparency
  • Afloat

  • Keep windows afloat (heh) on top of all others.Pin windows to the desktop.Move windows from anywhere, not just the title bar.Turn a window into an "overlay" on your screen that doesn't hinder your work.Show a window's file in the Finder with nothing more than your keyboard.Resize windows from anywhere, not just the edges, and more.

    tags: window-manager window-on-top
  • GluePrint

  • Turn any mockup into a floating guide, and visually align pixels with ease.

    tags: image-on-top mockups overlay transparency