
Peerlibrary alternatives

  • Mendeley

  • Mendeley helps manage and share academic knowledge: Mendeley Desktop is free academic software (Windows, Mac, Linux) for organizing and sharing research papers and generating bibliographies with 1GB of free online storage to automatically back up and synchronize your library across desktop, web and mobile. Mendeley Web is a free research network which lets you manage research papers online, discover trends and connect to like-minded academics. Mendeley tracks usage data on over 40 million research papers in real-time, thus creating a network of people using and sharing millions of scholarly articles - helping to shift research into the 21st century world of collaboration and openness. Mendeley is engendering a revolution in the way research is conducted and disseminated, changing the face of science. »

    tags: academic bibliography-generator bibliography-management browser-integration citation-maker
  • Qiqqa

  • Qiqqa is free award-winning knowledge-, research- and reference management software. If you're serious about getting the most from managing your publications, PDFs and bibliographies, Qiqqa is for you.

    tags: Portable academic automatic-tagging bibliographic bibliography
  • Docear

  • Docear is a unique solution to academic literature management, which helps you organizing, creating, and discovering academic literature. The 3 most distinct features are:

    tags: Portable bibtex citations educational file-management
  • ReadCube

  • ReadCube’s desktop and mobile iOS applications are available free for both Mac & PC and offers researchers the ability to discover and access literature faster, organize their literature and enjoy interactive reading of scholarly articles. Features include: -Integrated search for easy discovery and article downloads -Interactive PDFs for enhanced reading with clickable inline references and annotation tools-Personalized recommendations-Simple integration with institutional proxies-Full text search of library-1-click article downloads-Google Scholar / PubMed databases built in-Easy syncing across multiple devices with cloud sync capabilities (PRO feature) »

    tags: citation pdf-annotation pdf-reader reference-management
  • EndNote

  • A reference management software, used for searching online publication databases, & managing publications / bibliographies, with the ability to insert the references into a word processor.

    tags: academic-feature information-management microsoft-office-compatible personal-information-manager publication
  • BibSonomy

  • BibSonomy is a system for sharing bookmarks and lists of literature (BibTex format).

    tags: bibtex bookmarks data-mining folksonomy knowledge-management
  • Citavi

  • A handy, intuitive reference-managing tool. Citavi researches in over 4800 databases and catalogs, organizes and structures your literature, references, quotes and idea collections and assists you with your documentation or publication.

    tags: task-management knowledge-management taskmanager information-management task-planner

  • is a social networking website for academics .The platform can be used to share papers, monitor their impact, and follow the research in a particular field. It was launched in September 2008, with 31 million registered users as of January 2016 and over 8 million uploaded texts. was founded by Richard Price, who raised $600,000 from Spark Ventures, Brent Hoberman, and proclaims to support the open science or open access movements, and in particular instant distribution of research and a peer-review system that occurs alongside distribution, instead of occurring before it.[8] Accordingly, the company stated its opposition to the proposed (since withdrawn) 2011 Research Works Act, which would have prevented open-access mandatesHowever, is not an open access repository and is not recommended as a way to pursue green Open Access by Peter Suber and experts, who instead invite researchers to use field-specific repositories or general-purpose repositories like Zenodo »

    tags: academic-papers academic-research academics bibliographic bibliography
  • Paperpile

  • Organize your research papers in a Gmail-like web app, sync your PDFs to Google Drive and cite your references in Google Docs.

    tags: document-management library reference research bibliography
  • EasyBib

  • Automatic works cited and bibliography formatting for MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian citation styles. Now supports 7th edition of MLA.

    tags: apa bibliographic bibliography bibliography-generator bibliography-management

  • Scientilla is a new approach to give the scientific community an open, free, accurate, tidy and up-to-date production reporting solution.

    tags: bibliography reference-management
  • RefWorks

  • RefWorks - an online research management, writing and collaboration tool - is designed to help researchers easily gather, manage, store and share all types of information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies.

    tags: citation references bibliographic
  • PdfIt

  • The Pdf It! extension is designed for FireFox and runs on any platform: Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The Pdf It! menu item will be installed at Browser-->Tools menu as well as context menuPdfIt extension allows user to convert current page to image file, or PDF format(image to pdf), during the page to image conversion process, user can apply some image filters( for example,rotate,reflection...,)

    tags: pdf firefox offline website-downloader