
Launchcloud alternatives

  • Google Drive - Forms

  • Google Forms, part of Google Drive , is a tool that allows collecting information from users via a personalized survey or quiz. The information is then collected and automatically connected to a spreadsheet with the same name. The spreadsheet is populated with the survey and quiz responses.

    tags: surveys polls forms form-builder html-form
  • Typeform

  • Create awesome online forms with Typeform, the free online survey tool that makes asking questions easy, human & beautiful. Sign up now and try it out!

    tags: cross-tabulation data-api logic-jump mobile-friendly survey-tool
  • Tellform

  • Create beautiful, next-generation online forms with Typeform, the form survey builder that makes asking questions easy and human on any device. Try it for free!

    tags: form-builder form-generator online-form pdf responsive-design
  • SurveyMonkey

  • With thousands of customers in over 40 countries, theres a good chance that someone you know already uses us. Free:Only 10 Questions and 100 Responses. SurveyMonkey is flexible and scalable enough to meet the needs of a wide range of people: whether youre managing HR for a multi-national organization, or youre simply trying to gather feedback for your blog.

    tags: event-planning ifttt-integration market-research meeting multi-language
  • Wufoo

  • Wufoo strives to be the easiest way to collect information over the Internet.

    tags: form-builder forms html html-form polls
  • Formstack

  • Formstack is an online HTML form builder that lets you easily create powerful event registration forms, online surveys, contact forms, and web forms without the need for coding.

    tags: forms form-builder forms-design online-form-builder
  • Cognito Forms

  • Cognito Forms is an easy drag and drop form builder that creates intuitive and responsive online forms. Forms can be quickly created from scratch or from dozens of prebuilt templates. Forms can be shared as links or embedded seamlessly into any website. Entries can be easily managed from a computer or any mobile device. Forms can capture payment via seamless integration with Stripe. No monthly fee and only 1% of transactions for payment-enabled forms. Generate custom PDF and Word documents using simple and powerful Word-based templates. »

    tags: direct-file-uploading form-builder forms forms-automation forms-design
  • SurveyJS

  • Unlike the most others solutions, SurveyJS Project consists of three fully independent parts: run-time SurveyJS library, SurveyJS editor and SurveyJS service for storing and analyzing results. You may stick with the complete solution or use only a library. You may use SurveyJS service to store your results there or store them in your own storage. You may freely use SurveyJS Editor or integrate the Editor into your own web site.

    tags: javascript-library online-polls online-surveys polling-tool polls
  • DataScope

  • The mobile way to collect data on field. Convert all of your paper forms and processes into DataScope Platform to revolutionize the way you work

    tags: data-analysis data-forms field-work forms google-forms

  • Very easy to use polling tool. Every visiter can easily post their own suggestions.

    tags: surveys polls brainstorming vote suggestions
  • SurveyMoz

  • SurveyMoz is designed with the user ‘you’ in mind. It requires no previous experience or knowledge on how to create online surveys. You can create simple and advanced surveys in just a few steps.

    tags: customer-feedback employee-feedback market-research polls questionnaire
  • JotForm

  • JotForm's form builder helps you create & publish online forms anywhere, anytime without writing a single line of code.

    tags: customizable form-builder form-templates ifttt-integration mvc-form-component
  • EUSurvey

  • EUSurvey is the European Commission's official survey management tool. Its main purpose is to create official surveys of public opinion and forms for internal communication and staff management, e.g. staff opinion surveys and forms for evaluation or registration.

    tags: online-polls online-survey online-survey-tool poll polling-tool
  • Lastform

  • Lastform an addon for Gravity Forms that brings an alternative to Typeform for WordPress. Self-hosted forms that provide addictive experience to visitors.

    tags: contact-forms form-builder form-generator forms forms-builder
  • Sentiments

  • Sentiments - The world’s simplest feedback tool

    tags: marketing customer-feedback mobile-browser swipe emoji-xpress